Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 19, 2011 6:21pm

Hello everyone, Pat here. I wanted to let you know that we have had a huge step forward today. We are looking at potentially going home in the next few days. Thank you for your prayers and your love and support for my family.

Too many times, I am guilty of taking scripture for granted. You have done an amazing thing for me in that you have made scripture more real for us. Perhaps you share my same sentiment. The word of God is alive. It is real. God's word through prayer has been instrumental in my healing. His word does not come back void.

Psalm 91 has been instrumental in the way my family has been praying for me and practicing the faith and confidence that they each share in their belief in God. God has been faithful through so many different event in this story, too many to go into now, but I feel certain that Stephen will share them with you at a later time.

I want to simply say thank you. Thank you for your encouragement, prayers and the time that some of you have spent with Jerry and the family in the waiting area.

God bless you all,



  1. Pat! So good to "hear" your voice! Praise God! I pray you will get to go home soon as I know that is your heart's desire. Just rest in the Lord and the knowledge of His love for you - and remember ALL those who call you friend and love you too. We'll keep praying as he knits you back together to be good as new.

  2. So glad you are able to enjoy time with family and friends. The prayers are being sent from Conyers that you continue to get better each day.

    Kathy Thompson
